Tunisian Pastry :Kaak Warka

Ingredients:Almonds paste :500 g of almonds ground,150 g of sugar,l water of pink,paste of sheet,1 kg of flour,500g of butter,2 glasses of water.

Preparation of sheet : boil butter on a soft fire, then add it to the flour, mix the whole in adding tepid water until a complete absorption. Mix well the flour until obtain a mixture spongeu, put the paste in a plastic bag and let it rest.

Preparation of paste of almonds : anger the ground almonds with sugar by adding the water of pink gradually until a perfect absorption. Take small balls of the sheet paste and pass them to laminoir. Take in the same way small balls of almonds paste and rolled up in cigaretes, put them in the rolled sheets, and rolled up in the form of Kaak, put them in a plate and pass them to the oven during 15 mn.